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Friday, November 25, 2011

CityVille: Expand your city into new land over the river

While land expansions may be a pretty expensive and time consuming project in CityVille, there are plenty of high-level users that have expanded as far as the game's map currently allows. If you fall into that group (or, even if you just want to plan ahead), you'll now be able to view an entirely new section of the map, on the right-hand side of the gameplay area and across the river. 

Where the game screen used to simply end, no matter how hard you tried to "scroll" further to the right, you'll now see a massive forested area just waiting for you to expand into. There are no obstacles or landforms that block your progress, other than the expected trees. It's all flat land just waiting to be cleared and developed by you! Land space has always been an issue in the game, but hopefully with this release, the strain of storing so many buildings (and expanding your Neighborhoods or Malls in the first place) will be lessened for a time. 

It should be noted that the land in this new map expansion is covered in more trees than the land to the left of the game's starting point, so you will have to waste more energy in simply clearing it out. Still, if your city's growth had been halted recently, you'll now have nothing stopping you from continuing to grow into an even bigger and better city!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

FarmVille Expansions for Farm Coins

After these expansions were found in the FarmVille Market on 11/14/11 they disappeared and then made a slow return today. They appear to be slowly rolling out to all farmers, but who knows if they are here to stay on a permanent basis. Act accordingly if you got the Farm Coins to spare ;) .
There are several Farm Coin FarmVille Expansions that are slowly rolling out to all farmers. There is one English Countryside Expansion for the 30×30 farm and two expansions, 24×24 and 26×26 for Lighthouse Cove farm.
  • FarmVille English Countryside Expansion: 30×30 “English County” – 5,000,000 Farm Coins
  • FarmVille Lighthouse Cove Expansion: 24×24 “Beachfront Property” – 2,000,000 Farm Coins
  • FarmVille Lighthouse Cove Expansion: 26×26 “Shoreline Acres” – 2,500,000 Farm Coins
Of course each of these expansions are still available for Farm Cash, but why use Farm Cash when you’ve got Farm Coins to spare? Remember, you may have also have to fulfill a neighbor requirement which will ask you to add more neighbors before you can unlock the Farm Coin option. This requirement varies per player and is dependent on how many neighbors you already have.